Cali seeds

Learn all the secrets of Cali cannabis seeds in this article
Cannabis as an aphrodisiac

Cannabis as an aphrodisiac Exploring the connection between cannabis and sexual desire: A new romance!For many cannabis enthusiasts, the benefits of the plant extend far beyond relaxation and stress relief. One area of interest is the connection between cannabis use and enhanced sexual desire. As more and more people explore the potential of cannabis to […]
TIPS on outdoor autoflowering.

Facebook Instagram Youtube Autoflowering for outdoor spaces? Growing autoflowering cannabis outdoors has become a popular choice for those who want to grow their own cannabis plant but don’t have the indoor space or know-how to grow it indoors. Autoflowering cannabis is a variety of cannabis that flowers automatically after a certain period of about 30 […]
High THC

High THC High THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the best known cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, responsible for its psychoactive effects. Competition, legalization and the need for active herbal medicines brought incredible results and numbers that a few years ago we could not have imagined. Of course, we have to keep in mind that different growing […]
What is fast flowering cannabis ?

What is fast flowering cannabis ? How fast a plant grows is of vital importance to most.For many, the answer is fast-flowering cannabis seeds.Careful cross-breeding has produced a series of fast-flowering strains that offer all the benefits of photoperiod seeds while flowering in much less time. Thanks to fast flowering strains, the fastest growing seed […]
High yield Autoflowering cannabis seeds

High yield Autoflowering cannabis seeds The 18 big Autoflower strains at the best price to buy.
Dwarf Cannabis seeds

Dwarf Cannabis seeds Dwarf Cannabis seeds are of great interest among the circles of fans of our beloved plant … It sounds a lot but very little is written at all about it and we did our best to cover any questions you may have. What is Cannabis Dwarf? Literally when we say dwarf cannabis […]
How Long to Grow Cannabis
How Long to Grow Cannabis Cannabis Growing Time: Guide to Photoperiod, Fast Flowering and Autoflowering Seeds Growing cannabis requires an understanding of the different types of seeds and their respective growing times. In this article, we’ll look at grow times for three main categories of cannabis seeds: photoperiod, fast-flowering photoperiod, and autoflowering. In addition, we […]
Cannabis stages
Cannabis stages Elements for Growth • Carbon dioxide• Light• WaterFrom the ground, the roots take in water and transfer that precious liquid to the leaves, with the help of the stalks.The leaves are then ready to remove carbon dioxide from the air, while also taking in light.Oxygen is then produced. Factors like humidity, temperature and […]
Cannabis Strains
Cannabis Strains The two main types of cannabis, sativa and indica, are used for a number of medicinal and recreational purposes.Sativas are known for their “head high,” an invigorating, energizing effect that can help reduce anxiety or stress and increase creativity and focus.Indicas are typically associated with full-body effects, such as increasing deep relaxation and […]