δίσκοι στριψίματος

Trays / Boxes

If you eat a bowl of cereal, you must have a tray otherwise you will have milk and Corn Flakes all over your table. Then you will attract bugs and you will never find a girl.

This same principle is why you should have a twist disc when preparing a cigarette or really anything herb related 😉 But probably the most compelling reason to get a twist disc is that its design really makes the process much easier easy from a functional point of view. Even the most basic turntable has tall sides and a shape designed to gather your contents towards the center.
Also they give beauty and character to the whole process.

So make the choice of your favor..

And if you want the smartest smoking accessories, check them out.

If you want to combine it with the best rolling papers, jivans, active carbon filters, check them out.