
Hybrid supreme filter Kombipack

33 Filters 4 meters slim rolls

Original price was: $6.90.Current price is: $6.00.

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6 in stock


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Hybrid supreme filter Kombipack

This is the next chapter in the history of hybrid filters Hybrid supreme filter Kombipack : After finding the perfect combination of pulp and activated carbon with the Hybrid Supreme Filter, the next mission was very clear: find the perfect combination of filters and twist paper roll.

After finding the perfect combination of pulp and activated carbon with the Hybrid Supreme Filter, the next mission was very clear: find the perfect combination of filters and twist paper roll.




In the package you will find 33 Hybrid Supreme filters of good old Hybrid quality and 4 meters of a new Ultra Slim Endless Paper, the length of which adapts exactly to the number of filters, so that even those who make a little more will be happy until the end.

By using the Hybrid filters Kombipack you have optimized the enjoyment of smoking through maximum filtering of impurities and full flavor. No more activated carbon powder in your smoke, on your tongue or on your lips. Tar, nicotine and at least 50 other toxins are also reduced by the filter effect and your body is less stressed. What remains is the optimal smoking experience and the full effect of your herbs.

  • Full 420 effect. After more than 3 years of development, we can guarantee you without a doubt: Our products filter everything except the active ingredients in your mixture.
  • Less pollutants. It is official. Lab tested, the Hybrid Supreme Filter has 38% less contaminants compared to conventional cellulose-free activated carbon filters. Your lungs and entire body will thank you.
  • No carbon dust. Everyone who has smoked with conventional activated carbon filters knows this: carbon particles on your tongue, a scratchy throat and a slight carbon taste on the palate. In addition, there is the barely visible fine carbon dust, which absorbs pollutants and brings them directly to the lungs.
  • No blockage. No clogs! Hybrid filters do not clog even when it is cold and rainy. This is made possible by the special arrangement and combination of its hybrid materials.
  • Neutral taste. Try it for yourself or just trust us – no flavor of its own, no added flavor and no distortion of your original taste.


All our products undergo full spectrum testing. Each product is hand packed so nothing can go wrong.

Our name “Hybrid” and our motto “twice as nice” already says it: We always want the best. We apply this premise to our work, it is reflected in our products and ensures you have the best possible smoking experience.

Of course, Mother Nature is very important to us, which is why we strive to source all of our product ingredients from local and sustainable sources within Europe. And did you know that? Your filters are packed by young people with disabilities in social integration workshops.

Hybrid WHO ? They were created by scientists combining the fields of medicine, business and the creative industry and have set themselves the goal of creating not only the best filters and the best smoking accessories.


See here the sophisticated herb filters with activated carbon HYBRID SUPREME

Discreet, unique in appearance and usability, with stealth properties
They could be a unique gift for your friends or a collectible treat for yourself. smart accesorieshere.

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