
RYOT Roller Wallet

The stealth experts..

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $27.00.

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The RYOT Roller Wallet features SmellSafe odor protection technology. In addition, it has a patent for easy loading disc design and storage space to make turning very easy. Available in two pocket friendly sizes and styles, the Roller Wallet leads the market in smoker friendly wallets. Combines well with a RYOT Glass Top Screen Box , a utility tool and a Stand Up Spoon hand tube.


The SmellSafe Carbon range incorporates an extensive carbon lining, so it neutralises and traps most odours in its pores. In addition, with a waterproof coating it is weather resistant and the moisture sealing zipper provides a real natural barrier to keep most odors in and weather out. The RYOT line of pipe and vape cases is for the discerning herbal enthusiast. We value utility, discretion and style. Pack and protect with RYOT Roller Wallet. To reactivate the carbon filters, simply put it in the dryer for 5 minutes.

  • Small Roller Wallet Dimensions: 5 x 2.5 inches
  • SmellSafe Carbon Series Technology
  • Easy Load Tray Design

The SmellSafe Carbon range neutralises and traps odours. Smart accesories only at Fresco. Watch RYOT Roller Wallet videohere.